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Today's VFQ & A Note on Posting

First a note on my profound lack of good posts this week - in my so-called "real world" My Guy and I are involved in a number of companies (and I say Real World knowing full well that my little vintage is far more fun then the so-called real world but a girl does have to buy Louboutins after all).....and long story short - I am attending a trade show and literally have only minutes each day to steal away to even post a fashion quote and I have only limited phone email capabilities for most of the day as well.

It's eternal meetings, lunches dinners and maybe a few too many cocktails.....OK so maybe its not all bad...... but I will be back to normal in My Vintage World as of this Thursday and will be able to happily succumb to allure of my frocks once again. AND I have some great exclusive shots from a new vintage friend who sells to celebrities to show you once I am back and can sit down for some actual concentrated time, so it will be worth the wait I hope!

Until then, please bear with my sad excuses for postings and enjoy

Today's VFQ

"Fashion is born by small facts, trends, or even politics, never by trying to make little pleats and furbelows, by trinkets, by clothes easy to copy, or by the shortening or lengthening of a skirt."

Elsa Schiaparelli

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