I am so sorry to not post for two days but I was whisked away by My Guy on an overnight mini-holiday because I was exhausted from banging away at the keyboard till the wee hours every day for the 2 weeks leading up to the big launch of the New Shrimpton.
We went to Toronto and I visited my personal shopping harem. Maybe I bought the new Alexander McQueen patent heels with the PINK soles and gold flat toe. Holy hotness batman - they are power/sex/lady shoes. All in one shoe. If you need/want/lust for shoes in the Toronto area - you go to Holt's and talk to Derek and tell him I sent you - he is the best there is!
Today I had to post items that sold off to their new owners (Hello Lisa and Julie - your stuff is on the way!) and drop some new goodies off to the dry cleaners. The picture above is what I wore today. Its vintage goes casual. The dress is Radley for Ossie Clark, the shoes are Coach flip flops, the bag is a black Chloe Bay bag and the sunglasses are Marc by Marc Jacobs.
I never wear flats so this is a miracle picture
Tomorrow I go see one of the buyers on The Shrimpton team and pick up new dresses. The new website format allows me to post a bazillion items so we are loading up! If you haven't already figured it out - here is a tip for you - the view all page is up to date with the items that have ALL their information posted, BUT if you use the menu pull down options you will see items there that are not yet on that page in each section. These are item whose pictures are posted but we have not yet added the measurements ad details. If you ever see something you must know that the size is on anything, you can just email me!

Finally and this is totally off topic - today on ICYDK (fabulous gossip site)I saw an post that Paris Hilton finds it hard to make new friends because she is famous.
OK so ever since I found out that Paris is a vintage fan I have a newly formed soft spot for her.
I was like awwww poor girl -
you can come hang with me and we can go vintaging and I will tell everyone you are my cousin who just looks a lot like Paris Hilton so you don't get swarmed. Trust me I am really really good and could convince people that this is so. I would protect her. She wears vintage people - leave her alone for God's sake.......
And then I read the that she is
"launching a reality TV search to find herself a new best friend forever insists she doesn’t have many pals and is only close to people she has known since she was a child."
I will still take her out cause I am that kind of girl
but Paris
Reality TV is not the way to find a best friend
It's how you find a husband
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