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Props & Muses

Let me just give Kim Kardashian some public props for this ensemble. Everything about it is perfect. She looks elegant, lean, tanned, classic and curvy. All at once. Its just an incredible transformation from a girl who often has appeared in the past in some outfits that where in your face sexual to say the least. I think she is a beautiful girl and its nice to see her come to the realization that less is a LOT more.

On an entirely different note, I came across this photo on The Sart. I always find it interesting that even the most extreme micro trend trickles down to the street and someone does it right. We covered Jessica Alba trying out the Pjama look a few weeks ago and here it is on the street. It's not a bad attemot at public pajama pant wearing at all. Sure makes getting dressed easy - though I would hope they are at least ironed between bed and street, so maybe a dress is still less work.

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