We Moved!

We Moved! We Moved! We Moved!

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Almost There

Well guys it is getting close. I think I am going to be able to open up shop again this weekend. I finally am not feeling PANICKED but just panicked that it will not be ready and not be what I want. I am going to come back to doing some blog posts too now that I am just doing the final touches and concentrating on listing new items for the big day so please start adding me back to your daily read and thank you so much for your patience while I had to focus elsewhere!

There are a couple of exciting things that will be happening right around the launch date but I can't quite spill on that yet but when I can...... oh boy its going to be cool news! I will leave that at that for now, but I can't wait to share!!

In the meantime I saw this picture this morning on The Sartorialist and had to post it for you. Its sort of a visual of how I feel today - all happy and content and looking forward to the day. And the sun is shining here today too - not with quite as blue skies as this picture but its blue enough for me today

1 comment:

WendyB said...

Just a tiny bit panicked, eh? I call that "calm panicking."

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