We Moved!

We Moved! We Moved! We Moved!

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An Ossie Clark era Radley ....available now at Shrimpton Couture


Ok so for the last three days I have photographed and switched over all the stock from summer to fall at Shrimpton Couture. There are tons of new items listed so please go take a look! I even managed to put some of my favorites up.
(and yes is still hurts but I am getting over it)

I am on a buying trip this week - I leave Tuesday and will not be back till Friday. Everyone think happy vintage thoughts for me so I bring back tons of great stuff! I will try to blog while I am away so check back - maybe I will tell you of my adventures ...for me a buying trip always seems to entail lots of dancing, food, and drinking ...oh and buying of course.

I hope you love the new stock.
Once I get back I am going to concentrate on poor little Shrimpton Couture II - its like my neglected little child but I will devote lots of time to it this month and get it fully up and running.

Happy shopping!



Margarite Elaine said...

Cute dress! Love the color! I'll also be going on a shopping trip myself this month. I'll be sure to share my experiences on my blog. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Eat, drink, dance, laugh -- dazzle Las Vegas! And have fun yourself -- loads! You deserve it. Wear your pretty dresses! Tell us about your trip, and what Vegas is wearing. Oh and of course, hope you buy lotsa beautiful vintage :-)

Gidget Bananas said...

Ossie Clark! *swoon*

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