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These little town blues

Thoughts on New York

cab drivers are crazy - the best way to deal with riding in a NYC cab is to either hunker down and stare determinedly at a patch of sky or look out the window that you cannot see the other cars through and think happy no I am not going to die today thoughts

if you can arrange to meet Julie Fredrickson, editor in chief of Coutorture for brunch - she knows the best spots and is the only female I have met to date that can keep up with me shopping - thanks Julie - I had a blast!!

homeless guys can have nice bikes - picture this - a homeless man riding NYC streets on a 70s banana bike in the brightest green you have ever seen.
Who says you can't be cool no matter what?

i kid you not - on the way in from the airport a woman had parked her car on the side of the road to take a picture of a hitchhiker (?like why?) ...as she tried for the best shot she was slowly backing into freeway traffic seemingly oblivious to the honky of drivers as they whizzed inches away from her ass.

walking 6th avenue a 5"10" blonde walks by looking as perfect as a human being can possibly look. It was rather extraordinary to see this creature floating past in her own little perfect bubble as every head followed her down the street

street pretzels are a good thing

if you walk 20 f^*&^*king blocks in heels on a Sunday to go to the Chloe store on 70th and Madison because you where given the impression it was in the 50's/early 60's and by the time you got to say 63rd it was silly to take a cab...well then the damn store should not be CLOSED on Sundays... that is just the fashion gods being testy

the new tory burch quilted patent chanel flat can cause a mild frenzy in the shoe department of saks...one girl has them on her feet and the next thing you know every girl in the store wants them and you are suddenly holding your box in a death grip

yes its chaotic, yes its smoggy, yes when it gets hot its like being in an oven, yes its obnoxiously expensive and yes it can exhaust a girl like no other place...
but its still the greatest, most fabulous, spectacular, wonderful magical city in the world and I love it like no other

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