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Real World Vintage Spots

I was cruising over at www.elle.com and came across some photo coverage of the big Art Basel festival in Miami Beach. Which sadly, me and My Guy missed by just a week or so.

We are both art fanatics and actually made some big investment purchases on that trip so it was especially fun to go through the photos and pretend that somehow the world had meshed and we had been there.

Ah well, next year perhaps.

As I went through the photos I realized a bunch of the fabulous girls that attended where adorned in vintage and being that most of them are so-called "regular" girls (but still quite fabulous of course), I thought it might be fun for you to see how vintage translates in the real world for an event!

These girls did great with their vintage choices and it proves yet again how important vintage is in every wardrobe!

Don't be boring be a vintage DIVA!

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