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Harkening back to the days of starlets

As we all lament the fact that the cancellation of the big awards show last night means a startling absence of dress bashing in the blog world today, I thought I would share this with you. It is not vintage but it is as rare as the most collectible piece you might find. You see the lovely Jennifer Love Hewitt is wearing an original frock by costume designer Dorothy Amos. Way back in the day of studio controlled starlets this was a common occurrence. The costume designer for the studio would whip up a dress for a starlet and off she would go. Now however, the stars are bombarded with designers all vying for their attention and marketing points should they choose to wear that designer's dress. I can't even remember the last time I have seen a dress attributed to a costume designer that was not a black and white photo.

Ms Amos - hats off to you.

You have proved that it is about cut and drape NOT a label.

Smashingly well done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But where can we buy one?

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