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It's Been Drving Me Nuts

I don't know if you saw this picture of Alicia Keys - this is the dress she wore to the recent 2008 BET Award show. I think she looks spectacular in it and I knew at the time that it looked familiar. It's been sitting at the back of my mind making me NUTS because I knew, knew, knew I had seen it's vintage counterpart before.

I did not post it when it hit the net because I suspect it is a recent piece despite its vintage look and I cannot find confirmation anywhere of who made it
(if you know please post it for the rest of us!) ......
but finally I stumbled across this picture of the great Jean Shrimpton and knew this is what had been nagging at me

Do you think this was Alicia's inspiration girls?!??!?!

If not it sure as hell was her stylist's!!

PS isn't Jean just stunning? How fabulous is she anyway??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jean shrimpton is gorgeous and so are both dresses

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