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Shrimpton Girl Inspiration

This is the stunning Angie Harmon at the recent LA screening of Prada's Trembled Blossoms.
I love. love , love that Prada has introduced this shape skirt again and more importantly made it into a piece of art! There are absolutely gorgeous, fabulous painted skirts from the fifties that have this same look and people like moi have been hoarding them, waiting for when people would appreciate their beauty again. I have a skirt on the site now that is all silk weave and I think is a work of art. If this trend stays strong I will pull and post more of these. How can a girl not be happy when she wears these? All you have to do is look down and revel in the beauty whether it is the original or one of the new Prada versions. Although, if you wear the original you have probably spent a little less then buying the Prada so you might just be a teeny weeny bit happier that you now have tons of money to buy shoes, or a bag.......but either way works for me!
PS Please go visit Shrimpton and give me your idea about the re-design! You can win a $100 gift certificate by sending in your ideas. The count down is on! Shrimpton is getting a make-over!

1 comment:

WendyB said...

Stunning skirt! I love it!
Oh, I finally got a (not-too-flattering) shot of that Ossie coat for you, with Altamira's help!

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