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Louise is Tearing Up NYC with Courtney Love

The fabulous Louise Black is in New York as we speak whipping up dresses for Courtney Love's rumored new clothing line.

These are all re-worked one of a kind pieces made from vintage remnants & antique textiles. If you thought Louise's jewels and baubles that she does for Shrimpton Couture where fierce, this sneak peek at two of her original designs done in collaboration with Courtney, not only show off her dressmaking talents but will have you clamoring for the line to launch!

(pics from Louise's twit stream - follow her here.
You can also follow Courtney here - she is back on twitter but you have to request permission to follow her. And if you want to follow me - you can do so here)


Dream Sequins said...

Wow. This is BIG.

Brandy C McCoy said...

Love it! Totally gorgeous, Louise is an awesome designer and Courtney is Brilliant!

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