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Wendy is My Kind of girl

One of my favorite girls in the world - the talented Jewel & baubles designer - Wendy Brandes posted this pic on her blog today of her wearing her Vintage Moschino Text dress from Shrimpton Couture! While not a dress for a wall flower I decidedly disagree with the message on the dress - having spent a New York night out with Wendy & Mr. B - I can assure you that you CAN dress her up and take her out. You look fabulishous Wendy!


Beautycountry said...

insanely cool dress! I love!

WendyB said...

I'm looking for something to top that one! Email me if you have anything coming up.

Unknown said...

I will - promise! I am always watching for some kooky (but cool) piece for you!!

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