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Jlo and Me

One of the hottest bags around this year is the new Marni Patent Balloon Bag. It is currently sold out world-wide unless you want to buy the big (and ugly) white version. Well guess what girls - this vintage fashionista got one! Hell yeah - I am a proud owner of the medium size bag in red!

SO I am proudly toting my new bag around and getting tons of "oh you have one?!?!" comments and feeling rather smug. Then yesterday I am cruising through some on-line gossip sites and find this pic of Miss Jennifer Lopez carrying my bag!

So now I am feeling smug and rather celebrity fabulous - don't worry I will get over myself and I am really still at heart a rather nice girl - but today me and Jlo are cruising in the same world.

But check out this
No bag

And there is the real difference - we might own the same bag but I have yet to have my own personal bag carrier lurking somewhere int he shadows. Somehow that seems Ok with me though. Call me a fashion snob but the bag really did make her outfit anyway.

Pictures courtesy of www.imnotobsessed.com

1 comment:

Margarite Elaine said...

Well aren't you just the trendy fashionista?! The bag is haute! I LOVE it!

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