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Shrimpton Girl Inspiration

Theh dress is not vintage but it certainly has the right lines and shape that it easily could be.
I chose to post this because America Ferrara, star of Ugly Betty, is very much a "real girl" and she is a real size girl, not a Hollywood size zero. 

See how flattering this cut is on a girl even if her waist is not 24"?

 Girls take note - translate this look to day in your minds. 
Make it a fabulous little printed vintage cotton day dress in your mind. 
Change the shoes to a great day time sandal and the clutch to raffia or a bright leather. 
Can you see it? 

I hear girls say they can't wear a full skirt if they are not stick thin and posted this so you know you are wrong! Its sheer girlie goodness overshadows the fact that it's not black and fitted and so-called slimming. 
Be exuberant, be joyful in what you wear. 
Be inspired.

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