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New Glamourai Jewels - Just IN!

Kelly (the designer behind The Glamourai line) has really out done herself with the latest assortment of jewels that have just arrived in shop!

Made form a combination of vintage baubles & semi-precious stonery, these jewels and fantasy earrings are some of her best work yet!
Each is one of a kind and each is completely hand made, making them little works of art!

The inspiration behind this collection?
Kelly has this to say:

"this collection perfectly embodies the seamless unification of vintage & modern elements that i endeavor for in my work. they evoke old world souks & spice routes, while injecting a shot of modern moxie into whatever they're worn with. it was so hard to resist keeping every single piece!"

{ click any pic to shop shrimpton couture }


Helzie said...

Amazing looking jewellery!


Princess of the Powder Room said...

Sooooooo want those necklaces.

Would anyone like to buy a soul?

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